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    電話:0371-63231636 、13607658536
    發(fā)布時間:2021-10-10 瀏覽



           此外,乳液型聚丙烯酰胺還用于壓裂液添加劑、潤滑劑、降阻劑等。在油田化學中,聚丙烯酰胺PAM是多用途的添加劑,如鉆井液、洗井液、注水采油及提高采收率等都起著重要的作用。利用聚丙烯酰胺PAM線型大分子結構,在湍流狀態(tài)下很容易按流動方向取向成長線條狀,抑制湍流發(fā)展。聚丙烯酰胺可作為降摩劑的理想材料,在原油的長距離管道輸送中,加人0.lmg/L(原油量) 聚丙烯酰胺PAM,就能大大地降低原油輸送阻力,從而降低能耗。

    英文:Can polyacrylamide be used in secondary oil recovery?
        Polyacrylamide as oil field additives, emulsion and solid form, it is a kind of multifunctional additives. In the oil field drilling process used for mud adjustability stabilizer and sedimentation flocculation to improve the rheological properties of mud; It can improve the size of suspended particles, improve the suspension force, and accelerate the filtration and separation of crude oil. As a soil structure forming agent, it improves the impact resistance of the well wall surface, and makes the liquid slurry which is not easy to disperse get high quality separation effect when drilling through the layer. Partial hydrolyzed homopolyacrylamide reacts with formaldehyde, glyoxal and so on to produce side chain products containing methyl groups. Satisfactory results can be obtained in crude oil production.

          Injecting polyacrylamide PAM into brine during secondary oil recovery can effectively improve the injection capacity of brine and effectively extract crude oil from the porous rock surface. Adding polyacrylamide PAM into water-oil emulsion can obviously reduce the viscosity of the emulsion. Adding the oil storage tank can reduce the water content on the surface of the oil tank and reduce the cost. There are many kinds of oil field additives, polyacrylamide PAM and polyacrylic acid potassium K-PAM can be called oil field additives, but the two are two different oil field additives, k-PAM polyacrylamide potassium salt contains potassium ions can be very good to inhibit rock formation collapse is necessary oil field additives drilling operations. In oil exploitation, it can increase the viscosity of injection water, avoid the breakdown of oil layer, and improve oil recovery rate. It is used as thickener in di tertiary oil recovery to increase oil displacement capacity and improve oil bed recovery effect. In the field of oil fields, the updated negative and cationic polyacrylamide PAM can be used to protect the groundwater injection from the hole opening infiltration and agglutination recovery of crude oil, improve the economic production of oil Wells, control water to the oil layer incorporation.

    In addition, emulsion polyacrylamide is also used as fracturing fluid additives, lubricants, resistance reducer and so on. In oilfield chemistry, polyacrylamide PAM is a versatile additive that plays an important role in drilling fluid, well flushing fluid, water injection and enhanced oil recovery. Using polyacrylamide PAM linear macromolecule structure, it is easy to grow lines according to the flow direction in turbulent state and restrain the development of turbulence. Polyacrylamide can be used as an ideal material for friction reduction agent. In the long-distance pipeline transportation of crude oil, 0. LMG /L(crude oil) polyacrylamide PAM can greatly reduce the resistance of crude oil transportation, so as to reduce energy consumption.







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