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    英文版:How to use polyacrylamide in soil erosion protection?

    Before mentioned soil erosion, we think of the method must be used to plant plants to prevent soil erosion, which does play a certain role, with the rapid development of industry, with the method of planting has been unable to keep up, so now what good method can prevent soil erosion? That's polyacrylamide! When it comes to polyacrylamide, what you think of is definitely related to sewage, and how is it related to soil erosion? Today, manufacturers reveal the secrets

    Mechanism of polyacrylamide on soil erosion control in field

    Polyacrylamide is a kind of polymer, which has planar and three-dimensional grid structure and is easily soluble in water. Through a large number of experiments, it is concluded that when it is dissolved in water and interacts with soil particles, it can improve soil structure, enhance soil water stability and enhance soil water erosion resistance. The suitable dosage form and economic dosage were optimized through the experiment.

    Polyacrylamide increases the settlement coefficient of soil

    Polyacrylamide dissolved in water, mixed into different concentrations of water solutions, and evenly sprayed on the surface of the soil, so that it fully combined with soil particles, at the same time, control soil samples evenly sprayed with equal volume of water. The soil sample test showed that the settlement coefficient of the west Liaoning sand loam after polyacrylamide treatment increased from 158% to 172%, 9% higher than that of the control soil sample. The medium loam increased from 144% to 161%, and the light loam increased by 8%. These changes indicate that polyacrylamide can increase the settlement coefficient of soil and improve the ability of soil to resist water erosion.

    Polyacrylamide improves soil structure

    The soil samples treated with polyacrylamide and the control soil samples were tested. The results showed that the dispersion coefficient of the soil treated with polyacrylamide decreased by 7.1% ~ 28.6%, and the structure coefficient increased by 3.2% ~ 7.7%, indicating that polyacrylamide enhanced the soil structural properties and improved the soil integrity.

    Polyacrylamide improves the permeability of the soil

    The observation results show that the soil permeability coefficient in the treated area is 32% higher than that in the control area. The increase of the permeability coefficient is beneficial for rainwater to infiltrate into the soil bottom and accumulate, and there is no runoff or decrease of runoff on the surface, so as to reduce the surface runoff erosion and play the role of water conservation and soil conservation. At the same time, it can also improve soil aeration conditions, and lay a foundation for crop yield increase.

    With the development of society and the continuous progress of science and technology, human beings are constantly transforming and conquering nature, but also constantly destroying the environment and regenerating a series of environmental problems. In order to expand the living space, human beings are constantly developing urban construction, developing new areas, mining and building factories; In order to develop tourism, cut down trees and flat mountains, build pavilions, corridors, pavilions, etc., often cause urban drainage engineering blockage, damage to the urban environment, aggravate the degree of soil erosion and slope protection engineering construction difficulty, these belong to the problems of soil erosion in urban development. In order to develop the economy in mountainous areas, animal husbandry and breeding were opened up, but because of the loose release of livestock and the extensive management technology of sericulture, the forest was trampled by people and livestock, and there was no grass under the forest. Silkworm farm breeding imbalance, resulting in secondary desertification and so on, resulting in new soil erosion problems in rural areas. These and other problems of soil erosion, promote the polyacrylamide in the field of prevention and control of soil erosion experiment research further in-depth and extensive promotion of polyacrylamide in the prevention and control of soil and water loss in the field of development and application, is of great historical significance and great realistic significance and has a great potential for its application.







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